This is a momentous occasion!! It is the first time in 2010 that I have written a Top 10 Facebook Statuses post! Alice In Chains are playing on the speakers as I type this, you should go play them on your stereo or iTunes player, turn ‘Man in the Box’ up real loud and then come back and finish reading this.

Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “ordered a couch – only two more couchless weeks!” – (Need some potatoes for that couch? Just let me know!)
2.) “Everyone go check out Chad Johnson’s FB page and leave Val Kilmer a message.”
3.) “I need help Facebook. How can I tell my mother I can not accept her friend request ??” – (You could call her, text her, instant message her, email her, or go the old fashioned route and write her a letter. I’d probably take out a billboard though.)
4.) “Never buy a car you can’t push.” – (And never push a car (down an icy hill) that you can’t buy (after it rams into a telephone pole)).
5.) “I’m takin the day off to do all kinds of little things to celebrate HIM!” – (I agree, Christmas and Easter are not enough!)
6.) “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the medical school, I’m supposed to do be doing a lecture in about 20 minutes and my driver’s a bit lost.”

7.) “craigslist is buttacakes. so is selling stuff.” – (This post got me wondering what a buttacake was, now I know.)
8.) “shot a groundhog this evening…good riddance.” – (I hope you don’t run into this guy next time.)
9.) “Getting my on write now!” – (Write on, write on!)
10.) “I’m bringin’ the peanut butter. You bring the bread. …The jam? Oh, there will be plenty of that.”

(I hope it’s strawberry rhubarb!!)

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