So I am a day late posting this weekly article that you’ve become accustom to reading. Yeah so! Yeah so! What ya gonna do?
I mean whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys, bad boys (or girls), whatcha gonna do when they come for you? I’d really like to know because on the show COPS they never really answer that question.
Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.
(names will remain anonymous)
1.) “Failure is a better teacher than success…” – (What if I fail at failing? In that case I would learn more from success.)
2.) “is going to the bakery to pinch a loaf.” – (Have you not heard about their new “you pinch it, you eat it” policy?)
3.) “Does anyone know where my sister can board her horse in the Nashville area? I’m at a loss. Thank you.” – (Maybe at the Wildhorse Saloon? It can have a few drinks while it’s there.)
4.) “Hi. I really like chocolate chip muffins.” – (Welp, see ya later.)
5.) “Yankees win. See u soon twinkies.”
6.) “Just had one of my sweetest girlfriends over for dinner!” – (Who are these sick people? Cannibalism is wrong!)
7.) “Get.Me.Out.Of.Here. (periods used for emphasis)” – (Where!Do!You!Want!To!Go!? (exclamation points used for strong emotion and the one question mark cuz I’m asking.))
8.) “is chicken pickin’ over a train beat.” – (Either your band is playing a show at KFC or Colonel Sanders is your new drummer?)
9.) “I just ate 6 mini candy bars in a row. Damn you Musketeers… all 3 of you!!!”
10.) “Wonders how long it would take for the cops to be called if I wanted to practice some hatchet throwing in my parking lot?” – (Depends on your aim.)
So that’s all for today, don’t go out and practice hatchet throwing, because then the cops may come for you.
“Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Soldier naw give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break”
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