Ever had that thought? “I’ll get to it later”, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, or “later…@#!%$&***”? Well, if you do then you should know that I do too, all too often. As a matter of fact, just today I thought, “when I get a minute I will read”. I never got that minute and I sure didn’t get to read. I know that it is a problem, but I also know that others have a bigger problem with this than I do. Like 3 out of my 4 neighbors. Three of them put off mowing their lawn, while one of them puts off moving the 10 tons of scrap metal that is his house. To each his own I suppose, but I don’t mind mowing my lawn or not having scrap metal laying around my yard/house.

I guess I’ll get to why I do this later in the article, but now I would like to follow down a rabbit trail of inquiry. What if for a minute we all just didn’t care about what got done and when? What would that look like? If everyone was doing this, would anyone notice? My answer would be, no, because there would be some other pressing issue like smelly pets and antifreeze in the street, maybe even an alert about missing children lost somewhere in the backyard under all the grass, the possibilities are endless.

The truth is that we all do it, but not all of us do it in the same way. I would like to read more, but cannot make it happen. Others would like to mow their lawns, but are waiting for optimal weather conditions. Some people would like to take down their Christmas decorations, but cannot find the boxes or don’t want to go look for them. No matter what the problem, there is always a mind of, “I’ll have time later”. Dirty procrastinators, don’t be afraid! Fear is a liar… and a whore.

Walk yourself over to the mirror and look yourself in the face and say these words, “you will not have time later, you need to do it now”. Now go, go out and impress your friends and do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. Your mother would be proud, if only for a second.