Saving seats is regular occurrence in my life. I am frequently late when attending… well… anywhere. I don’t really like being late and am currently trying to change this bad behavior but that is a whole different blog in itself. Usually, my friends are kind enough to save me a seat.
Sometimes I don’t care about saving seats at all. I just figure I will sit wherever… and whoever, can sit wherever. Other times there are certain people I definitely feel like sitting by. The worst is when friends ask you to save them seats when the place is packed and people keep asking you about the seats in question.
Saving seats feels like such a childish thing. Doesn’t it? We still do it though… like grade school kids at the lunch table.
I say, if it’s a regular place that you and your friends go then there should be some idea of where everyone sits and whatever is there and available then great, if not, oh well. The movie theater is one place I definitely do not like saving seats. If it is just one or two seats then maybe… anymore than that and I say good luck. 
If people want to sit by me or if I want to sit by them… then I say some pre-planning is necessary. I mean, relationships take work right? So we better either arrive at the same time, meet beforehand, or have a finely tuned and executed seating plan… otherwise, let’s find our own seats.
Thankfully, I have some good friends who always keep me in mind for the 1-2 person saving seat limit. They are special people. Tear.
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