So March is definitely the month where people seem to talk about brackets the most. Some of you may be wondering what all the racket about brackets is about. Well most of the racket about brackets comes from the madness of March’s NCAA Tournament. You may not give a care about college basketball, but maybe you really like to hang shelves? If that’s the case, do you prefer steel, cast iron, or aluminum brackets? You may not give a care about hanging shelves, but maybe you are a fan of orthodontistry? If so, maybe you prefer clear or ceramic brackets on teeth instead of metal braces. I think they greatly improve one’s appearance while wearing braces.
Anyways, I really just want to know what kind of brackets you like and why, mainly because no one else thinks about dumb things like this and we at constantly think about dumb things like this.
Below are several different types of brackets, some already mentioned:
1.) NCAA Tournament Brackets. I actually filled out my first tournament bracket ever this year, and I finished in the middle of the pack (3rd place out of 6 people). Two girls won, grrrrr!
2.) Mounting Brackets for your car, truck, or SUV. These are used to tow things which I imagine could be a good time. I want to tow something.
3.) Shelving Brackets. You probably have a shelf hanging somewhere in your house, if you don’t you should hang one. At my house we have several shelves in our living room with cool books stacked on them.
4.) Brackets for adapting fairings to your classic road bike. I know absolutely nothing about this, but it may be cool to learn about…or not.
5.) Brackets that orthodontists use on teeth. I have never had brackets or braces on my teeth. I bet those things are a pain in the arse to clean though.
So what is your favorite kind of bracket? Leave a comment below and lets create some racket!