WTDA Kitchen Cloth PlacementThe placement of the used kitchen cloth is very important. It can be a source of frustration and anger for couples and roommates across the world. Hopefully, by the end of this WTDA you will have better insight into making a wise decision with regard to kitchen cloth placement.

Some things to consider: the sightliness… or unsightliness of the placement, the surface area allowed for proper drying, the cleanliness of the cloth, the annoyance, as well as the utility of the placement.¬†

So what are your options for placing the kitchen cloth when not in use? 

1) The bottom of the sink basin. This is not a very good option. In fact I would deem this as the least favorable position. Most of your residue soap, residue food, and residue bacteria like the bottom of the sink. Sure, you should be regularly cleaning the bottom of the sink, but most of you don’t. D to C-

2) The middle divider between two sinks. For those who do not have a double sink this is obviously not an option, however, this is a pretty decent option for those who do. Placing the kitchen cloth across the divider allowed it to stay off the sink basin and it allows it to dry a little better by being hung over the sides allowing for greater surface area exposed to the air. This is your average option. B

3) Over the faucet/spigot. As far as utility and drying capability, this is a fairly good option. The downside to this option is that a kitchen cloth, probably due to its use, is not a very sightly sight. To see it hanging in the middle of the sink covering up a much better looking faucet which many people pay lots of money for (there are some pretty cool looking faucets). Also, the cloth must be moved to use the faucet in a normal way… so it can be an annoyance. I personally do not prefer this option. C+ to B-

4) Hanging over the counter’s edge. As far as utility and drying capability, this is another fairly good option. When approaching the sink I always get wet cause I stand against the counter and therefore this placement can be an annoyance and must be continually moved around. C+ to B-

5) Hook or rod near or in the sink. This placement is by far the best. It allows for the greatest utility, sightliness, convenience, and drying capability combined. Some sinks, if they are large enough, have a little rod where the cloth can be hung on the side. If you’re sink doesn’t have one there are little utility things that can be acquired through the black market that will make you very happy. A to A+

All of your kitchen cloth placement will be in vain if you do not clean your cloth. Yeah, I know, I have seen it. The counter gets wiped with all of the crops and then just gets thrown in the sink or hung to dry… with all of the food on it. It must be cleaned and then hung. Granted there are several things that go into maintaining a pleasant sink area and I don’t think we can cover all of them…. if we did it would take up all of our time and that is all we would write about.

It takes a village. Well, it at least takes two.