There was a day long ago on which literal rain only poured over my house. I have never experienced anything like this before. I awoke in the morning to the sound of water pelting my rooftop, the pitter patter sound made me want to shut off my alarm clock and go back to sleep. I don’t know why the sound of rain makes you want to be lazy, but it does.

I got up and took a quick shower and got dressed. It was Saturday and so I really didn’t have plans set for the day. The sound of the rain didn’t give me much motivation to go out, so I thought I would just take my time, eat some breakfast and watch the Weather Channel to see when the rain might end. I sat on the couch with my bowl of cereal and was surprised to see that the weather lady was reporting zero rain and partly sunny skies over my area. Maybe she had made a mistake I thought as the sound of the water hit the windows behind me. The rain seemed to be pouring harder now than when I had gotten out of bed.

I decided to call a few of my friends to see what their plans were for the day. I called 3 of my closest friends but each phone call went right to voicemail. I was frustrated to say the least, it was raining outside, I couldn’t get ahold of my friends, and the weather lady could not even report the right information! I decided to get on the internet to see if could provide me with more accurate information and maybe I could get an idea when this lousy, rainy weather might come to an end. I was surprised once again when the website also reported partly sunny skies and a 0% chance of precipitation for the day. Not only that, but the site showed that there was no chance of rain for the entire weekend. I was perplexed as the rain seemed to be raging outside, I even felt a slight thunderous rumble on my rooftop. As the thunder and rain came down I was sulking in self pity. I felt trapped in my own house, my friends weren’t answering their phones, it was nasty outside, and I had no motivation to do anything. The next day (Sunday) was my birthday so at least I might have something to look forward to then I thought to myself.

After checking my email and a few social networking sites I dozed off and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up about an hour later to, you guessed it, the sound of rain. I decided to try calling my friends again but again no one answered. I decided to call my sister who lived in Seattle, she actually answered the phone! I told her how bored I was and how it was raining cats & dogs outside. She said the weather was lovely there in Seattle and they were having a picnic at a park and later going to a Mariners game & dinner downtown. I was kinda bummed because I missed my sister and family and wished I was there enjoying the park and could go to the baseball game. After I got off of the phone with my sis, I decided to watch some tv. I watched the Discovery Channel for a bit and the Food Network but it got old quick. I had never been so bored in my entire life. Why was it raining out?! Why wouldn’t my friends answer their freakin phones?! And why couldn’t the weather people get their facts straight?! I ended up wasting the rest of my afternoon listening to Denison Witmer while cleaning up my bedroom and doing household chores such as folding laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and putting toilet paper back on the spindles in our bathrooms.

I was getting hungry again and thought I would order some pizza for the evening which I never do, but since it was raining and I didn’t feel like going anywhere I thought ordering pizza was a good idea. It took the pizza guy over an hour to get to my house and it was now 7pm. When he opened the door he handed me the pizza and I gave him his money, he said to me “It’s weird how sometimes it rains only over your house huh?” I didn’t really know what he meant and I really didn’t care, I was hungry. As I sat down and ate my chicken, cheese and olive pizza I thought about what the pizza guy had said about it only raining over my house. That’s how I felt that day, like everyone else was having a fun Saturday and I was bored out of my mind not knowing what to do with myself.

I finished my pizza and decided I was going to head out and catch a movie (by myself) and I wouldn’t let the crappy weather or fact that I couldn’t get in touch with my friends stand in the way of me having a good evening. I got ready and stepped out the door and as the water poured over my head I noticed my car, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. How could it be????!!!!!!! It was DRY! I stood there in amazement, my house was dripping with water and I had water pouring over my head, but my car and the rest of the outside surroundings were completely dry! I looked up at my house and on top of my roof was my entire family and all of my friends holding hoses and walking around. They yelled out a big “SURPRISE!!” and “APRIL FOOLS!!” I couldn’t believe it. The whole day the people that I cared most about were on top of my roof tricking me into believing that it was raining outside and I was trapped in the house.

It was March 31st, and my birthday was the next day on April 1st (April Fools Day). We ended the night by having my birthday party up on the roof, all I can say is, at that point, the rain had stopped.