Ceilings can be interesting. Ceilings can be uninteresting. Ceilings are like people. Some are elaborate, while others are plain. Some are clean and smooth, while others are cracked and falling apart.

Lately, I have been looking up more often. I like to leave whatever place I have just visited and be able to remember what the ceiling looked like. I am not sure why I have gotten in this habit. Now that I think about it, I am realizing that I want to see the ceiling in this place called Las Paletas. They sell gourmet mexican popsicles in Nashville, TN. No matter how hard I try I cannot picture the ceiling. I am going to go there and look at the ceiling… and get a popsicle of course.

The ceiling on the “feature photo” that is temporarily on the front of WhatToDoAbout.com is at the 2007 North American International Auto Show. There is so much to see at the auto show that the ceiling is often overlooked… and yet it is rather fascinating. Lot’s of craziness… and lights. Again this is kind of like people. Sometimes people get overshadowed in life and no one pays them any attention or remembers them. Then one day someone looks up and realizes, “wow, that’s a nice ceiling”. At the same time others grow up and realize “wow, that’s an ugly ceiling, I wished I looked up earlier”.

There are some amazing ceilings out there. Think of all the ornate cathedrals and government buildings. I would like to see the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. My favorite ceiling is the sky… which I realize is not really a ceiling… but let’s say that it is. I could stare at the sky for a very long time and get lost in it. It’s like the best Person.

What to do about the ceiling?… start looking up. Check out the ceiling, you never know what you may find.

*this article was featured on September 25, 2007