The only thing you need to remember when it comes to texting while driving is DON’T DO IT!!!
Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it I tell you!
I think there are already way too many distractions for drivers as it is, I mean people talk on their phones, eat, listen to music, and we even allow billboards to be built on the side of the road so that drivers can take their eyes off of the road to stare at them. All of these things take place while we should be focused on the road and the vehicles around us when driving. Texting while driving is the dumbest thing we all do. I got in my very first car accident earlier this week after thirteen years of accident free driving and it was my own stupid fault, I was texting while driving. That was STUPID! Stupid, stupid, stupid that was.
I’ve actually just given you two things to remember now when it comes to texting while driving. 1.) DON’T DO IT!!! and 2.) It’s STUPID!
I also want to say that I know there is social pressure out there to text your friends back 3.5 seconds after they text you about something but seriously it needs to wait my friends. I think we, as a “have it now”, “give me an answer now” society need to chill out and relax a bit. If your buddy texts you about something, you get back to him when you’re good and ready, not while you’re in bumper to bumper traffic with the radio blaring, a blind guy in the crosswalk, and grandma in the Cadillac in front of you.
People seriously need to learn more patience, they need to be patient in waiting for others to respond and what better way to do that then by refusing to reply to text messages while you are driving! You’ll get around to it after you stop driving, you won’t get in an accident like I did, PLUS you’ll teach others patience. Now that’s something they need to learn anyway. I like that. “That was genius Lloyd… shear genius.”
Ok, I’ve just given you a third thing to remember when it comes to texting while driving. Let’s review, 1.) DON’T DO IT!!! 2.) It’s STUPID! and 3.) Teach others patience by responding to their text messages after you stop driving.
So I’ve pretty much told you what to do about texting while driving, but really you can forget everything I just said, as long as you simply DON’T DO IT!!!