Many of you may have read Terry’s What To Do About YOUR DISLIKE OF TEXTING. Well, I am here to tell you today that you are not crazy and the world does not hate you. I know, I know, it’s shocking but I actually kind of like texting.

Now I don’t want you to misunderstand me. I am not a huge fan of the telephone by any means. I mean, it is nice to have for communication, but I don’t like to be too attached. Anyway, having said that there are several reasons why I like texting:

1. I don’t have a lot to say
2. I don’t want anybody to hear my conversation
3. I don’t have time to talk
4. I like to read

Ok, ok. Those were from Terry’s post… here are my real reasons:

1. I like to be short, on and with the phone and texting forces you to do that.
2. texting can be done in your own time, while it’s hard to talk on the phone and read, you can text and then read and then text again
3. sometimes I just don’t want to talk or hear other people talk

Now, I do agree with Terry’s post in some aspects. It is quite comical to watch people try and talk and text at the same time. I have done it to him in fact. Also, I don’t like texting and driving at the same time… even though I do it… I still find it annoying.

SO, I think there is definitely some texting etiquette that needs to be adhered to. It is one thing to respond to someone promptly or take a call… it is another to have your attention constantly diverted to the phone when other people are trying to talk to you.

Sometimes it is especially wise to ignore your phone for a while… or only glance at it. This is especially true when you are in a meeting… or say a WTDA gathering… where perhaps, one person is responding to a client, another is updating their twitter status, and another is texting a friend. Of course there are times when important texts and calls must be taken… it is just nice to leave the phone by itself for a while.

Thoughts anyone? A penny for your thoughts…