Talking too fast has been an issue for me for several years. I will slow down and speed up without thinking about it. One day I will be a smooth criminal and the next day a bumbling idiot.

The problem stems from wanting to tell jokes or picking up on something funny and wanting so bad to tell it first that I would say it too fast. This would only result in people laughing at me and not my jokes.

Talking too fast would make me self-conscious till about 1989 when micro machines came out. You remember micro machines don’t you? They were little cars that were really cool. Their spokesman was a fast talking fellah with a bald head. This made me proud to be a fast talker. I soon thought, “well at least I am not a close talker” or a “hand talker”, or a “round and round talker”. Not familiar with the last one? Well the “round and round talker” is one who talks about one thing one way and before you know it they are back to the same subject another way like they never left it.

This problem happens with topic talkers as well, they go from topic to topic like a bad news cast. So you see… I wasn’t any of these, and well, that was something… maybe not a lot of things, but something.

Now a days I find myself talking fast after a stiff cup of coffee. But I don’t mind it so much until that is I can’t remember words or names because I am talking too fast. The key to this problem is to remember to pace oneself. Life is not a race it is a freaking marathon.

So mind your p’s and q’s or you will be fighting for words when you should be fighting for a cup of coffee but you forgot how to say “latte”.