So. Lately I have been taking photographs of intersections and street signs. I used to have a job where I took photos of houses for a company that sold them to real estate companies for appraisals and sales. Also, during college I was a meter reader and was always roaming the streets and in people’s backyards. Yeah, I know about the hood… the neighborhood.

I totally get how people could be weirded out by people taking photos in their neighborhood. Strangely enough though it is completely legal. People just need to take a lesson from all the famous stars and celebrities. Either hide your house behind trees or get ready for a bunch of pictures of you sitting on your front porch sipping a pina colada.

The thing that gets me though… why the heck are so many people sitting on their front porch in the middle of the day doing nothing. And it is not like they are retired or just taking a break and enjoying the porch… it is the people that all they do is sit there… every single day. No job, no people, no prospects, no conceivable reason for getting up in the morning… well, they like to get the paper.

Also, you have the young gangsta’s and punks just standing on the side of the road or on a corner. What’s the deal with that? Go get a job or go to school or do something constructive. Instead they stand there and yell things at the photographer who is trying to do his job (me). I have had plenty of dudes get upset thinking I am taking pictures of them. Yeah, I am taking pictures of you cause you are so famous and I am gonna sell them to People magazine.

So, I endure. I continue on in my work… battling gangsta’s, punks, deadbeats, and cranky cops. I have learned that much of America needs to get off their bum and do something to make the world a better place. They need to look at the example of those who are not hanging out on the street corners and who go to work each day to make an honest living. I don’t mind getting stopped by the hard working folks. I am more than happy to talk to them about what I am doing and chat for a bit.

So if you happen to be taking photographs in the neighborhoods of America, watch out for dogs, delinquents, deadbeats, damsels in distress, and… um… whores. Be productive and encourage other people to be productive. It’s kind of like handiness. If people don’t find you pretty, they had better find you productive!