It finally happened I successfully surprised my wife with a visit by her sister! I kept the secret for nearly two weeks, it’s quite the historic event given my lack of patience. It also was quite possibly the hardest thing I have done all year. The coolest thing was that I didn’t have to lie! I just went about my business with little or no talk of her family for about a week. Which comes really easy to me… not talking to her about her family that is.

I think that I have made it to another plateau in my life, now Christmas, anniversaries and her birthday will all be so much different. With this new knowledge of surprise, I can give my wife her gifts in a new and refreshing way and NOT two weeks before the occasion.

I wish I knew it was going to be this easy and fun, it is the first time that I have made her cry and it not be something stupid I said. Tears of joy are so much more rewarding, even if they are still tears. Seriously girls cry over everything!

Maybe now I can get through Christmas without all my normal snooping and then lying about knowing what I got for Christmas. I know I know, it’s hypocritical lying on or about gifts given on our Saviors birthday. You sit on a throne of lies too, at least I am telling you about mine… I always thought that I couldn’t be like those other dudes out there giving their wives and girlfriends surprises and now I know that not only can I, but I can do it with class.

The last time I gave my wife a surprise was on thanksgiving of ’99 when I proposed to her on a beach at sunset with some bums in the backround coughing and drinking while they fished for their dinner. Then there was also a time that I surprised her, but that ended up being a baby… long story.

So if you are out there and you are like me and think that you cannot ever keep a secret, you are in luck! You can do it with a little help from your friends. Having some people to vent to will always help you to keep your mouth shut. You can tell them anything as long as they can keep a better secret than you.

Having been able to keep this secret makes me not want to tickle torture my wife to find out what she is doing for my birthday. Now she is in luck, but the tickle torture was a good ab exercise… seriously, you should see her abs, she looks like she could be in the movie 300.