If you are a Patriots fan: Don’t talk any smack or get cocky (you have Tom Brady and the best offense in NFL history on your side, let them do the talking on the field, plus the last thing you want is to go 18-0 and then lose the biggest game of the year). Don’t make any bets (their backs are against the wall and there will be more people rooting for the underdog), remain as quiet and calm as possible during the game, unless you are up by 3 scores in the 4th quarter, then you can talk a little bit. You should be pretty relaxed heading into this game.

If you are a Giants fan: You can definitely talk a little smack (you are truly the underdog, no one even thought you would be playing this game), if you have money to blow, making a small bet shouldn’t hurt (if you make the game close it should pay off), when your team scores let everyone know about it (don’t be afraid to cheer) because this is the Super Bowl and your lucky to be playing this game.

If you are not a Patriots or Giants fan (like me): Get some good food and drinks, sit back in your most comfortable chair, or couch, or bean bag and R-E-L-A-X. I just hope it’s a good close game and not a blow out. I hope the commercials are good this year too, they should make some more of those funny Coors Light commercials with the fake press conferences, those are the best.

If your name is Kirsten: “I don’t even know who is playing.”