Oh how I like sulforaphane! I should probably say that I think I like sulforaphane. What is sulforaphane? Well. Sulforaphane is a natural compound found in cruciferous plants that supports the body’s own antioxidant function and exhibits anticancer, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties. Sulforaphane is also a fun word to say. Yay!

One of the reasons I like broccoli sprouts so much is because they have so much sulforaphane in them! Sure you can eat broccoli and get some sulforaphane, but you get 10-20 times as much in broccoli sprouts than you do in cooked broccoli! Woa mama. Don’t stop eating your broccoli though, you can get all sorts of other vitamins and minerals and excellent goodness that will nourish your body.

You know how we talk about blending and smoothie-ing? Like when we talked about the magic bullet and making a smoothie smoothly? Well, what I really like to do is to put broccoli sprouts in my smoothie so that I can get sulforaphane with my smoothie. Yes. I like to blend. We like to blend. Broccoli sprouts and kale, and I am buzz…ing. Like a bee, not a drunkard.

So we are recommending, in this WTDA, that you take some means to get you some sulforaphane. Get your hands on some and let us know what you think. Stuff some sprouts in sandwiches and take lots when you feel a cold coming on, and maybe, perchance, if you dare, throw some in a smoothie.