Do you have a problem with pesky neighborhood kids ringing your doorbell then running, ding dong ditch. First of all, we here at what to do know all about ding dong ditch and can give you all the help you need to stop this problem. Second thing is, you should try it before you knock it, it’s quite exciting.

Ok, it’s evening and you are sitting on the couch watching 24 and you hear somebody at the door, but wait, they are at the front door and nobody usually comes to the front door. It must be those damn neighbor kids! You are not sure so you get up and check it out and much to your dismay you are right. It’s those stupid kids again and that’s the third time this week. So what do you do? Well, let’s run down the list.

1) If you keep a baseball bat behind the door like I do, then you can take care of this problem real quick. Just wait for the next ding dong ditcher and jump out of your seat and let the foot race ensue. Of course you will need to be able to outrun them, but one thing is for sure, they will not expect it. Chase them down the street and then when you get one, pin him to the ground and pretend like you are going to beat them with the bat. Message received, you should never see those kids again.

2) If you have a door bell then what you want to do is take off the button and grind down the plastic coating so the bare metal is showing. Then grab an extension cord, strip it down to the green and black wires, place the green wire on the bottom contact and the black to the top contact making sure they do not touch. Plug it in and wait for the shock of a lifetime. It will not kill them, but the sparks will probably make them mess their pants. Message received.

3) Lastly you can change your doorbell to a grizzly bear growl or a big dog barking then amplify the sound by running it through your surround sound receiver. Hide a sub woofer outside then crank it up. They will come to the door, hit the doorbell, and hear what sounds like a 10ft. tall bear or a really mean pitbull lying on the porch. Message received!

If you have any stories or tips for stopping ding dong ditch, please share! Hope this helps you fend of those evil kids. Good luck and make sure you lace up the running shoes before you head out to beat some sense into the kids.