Let’s start a fire! That’s what my son asks me to do all the time. He likes his campfires and so do I. If you like to have fire, you will need to know how to start a good one. There are three elements you need for a nice fire:




Without any of these three it will be alot harder to get a fire started, but if you have them… great, lets’ get going. You will want to build a tepee with your bigger wood after you have found a safe place for a fire… like maybe in a bare spot in your yard or a fire pit somewhere.

Take your bigger sticks and stack them in a tepee shape and leave a hole to put in your tinder. Take your tinder and form a little bit of a bowl with it and when you are ready put it in the center of the tepee.

Now you can light it right up real nicely, it will burn well, but you may have to blow on it or gently fan it. This all depends on the wood and how green it is. You will want your fuel to snap when you break it… otherwise it is too wet. Next, add the rest of your logs slowly, you don’t want to drown out your fire too soon.

Remember, if you are a dude, there are three things you need to do to earn your manhood.

Build a fire

Pee standing up

Kill anything that needs killing

I think these are rules to live by, if you don’t, check your pants and if you are still not seeing it then you should seek a second opinion.