Have you ever had the need? The need to shake it, you know? Shake it like a polaroid picture…? How about the need? The need to drop it like it’s hot? Or maybe you have had the urge to split the banana or slide on the electric slide? Anyone?

Well, I have, and let me tell you, it’s great fun, until you get caught. I had a random moment of utter disregard for my skin color and lack of actual talent. I started to move and shake “it” like “it” was on fire. It was just then that Nate spotted me and said I looked like I was trying to hump the air. Didn’t he know that I was dancing? No? Well I never…

Sometimes, while I am working, we will break out in dance for about 2 seconds before I yell GO, and then my client has to get back to doing pushups. Sometimes I will find my body moving like never before and with reckless abandon, then the client turns around and it is business as usual. Why am I the self proclaimed tough guy writing this? Because I have a side that likes to get down, and by get down, I mean dance while nobody is looking. Dancing while nobody is looking is way more fun and slightly more exciting than dancing fo realz.

It helps me to not take myself to seriously, which I don’t need too much help with anyway. But alas, dancing in the eye of the public makes me feel I am standing naked and the whole world is looking at me. But if, and I mean a big IF… the person that catches me dancing starts to shake it with me, well that would be glorious. I think it would spark global peace, champagne would fall from the sky as we all gyrated through the night with nothing to lose but our self-respect and a few pounds (from sweating).

Think about the possibilities… I am, right now…