(Or actors who take themselves too seriously)

So the other day I was sitting outside on my lounge chair thinking about food, it was then I remembered that I was doing a new diet and could not have cookies. This realization made me sad but my thoughts carried me to wondering if I could have a cigar and then to a cigar and coffee. I also remembered that I cannot have coffee after a certain time of the day or I would not sleep and this was the certain time.

My thoughts carried me again to wondering how batman moved in that stuffy suit… and why does he sound like he needs a cough drop? It was then that I started thinking about acting, not like I wanted to pursue it, but that it was quite contradictory. I mean really, a serious actor is really still a person pretending to be another person, and that’s really kind of funny.

Serious acting is a concept we all just except, but why? Is it because we crave entertainment? Or because we didn’t want to tell the fellah with the cape in the high school cafeteria he was weird. I think mainly the latter, but what do I know? It’s far easier to be entertained than to change, hence the reason for my blogs. I mean, I could stop writing about my life and just go and make it better by buying my own bath towels, or not slapping my friends senseless but this is not funny. Most of the funny and entertaining stuff is acting right? Except the slapping my friends, that’s just fun.

I remember when I was a kid (16) and my mom would always tell me to straighten up and stop acting up. “But it’s what the people want”, “I am taking what the crowd gives me” I told her. She said I had better stop with the back talk, I was torn. Yes, torn between my two loves:

1) my mother and
2) showbiz

Clearly I have talent… right? I decided not to pursue serious acting, but not for mom but because, who can take acting seriously? I bet you that most actors will do a movie and walk away like “wow, I cannot believe they pay me for this”… and they do, and they are paid very well. Dang mom! I could have been a millionaire, but here I am whining about my life on a blog. Well at least I don’t get recognized for my writings in public, that would get annoying. You know people asking you for your autograph all the time would be crazy.

If you are thinking of pursuing serious acting then you need to remember some things:

1) No whining
2) Stop telling everybody you’re an actor and just act like one
3) If you have a problem with the government just go buy your own country
4) Don’t take yourself to seriously, you are making $4 million a film whether anybody watches or not.

Happy acting!