What is our world coming to when we cannot get the basics of language? What is happening to the edumacation system in America? All around us we hear “your”, when it should be “you’re” and “its”, when it should be “it’s”. This epidemic is overtaking co-workers, neighbors, friends, and even family… family I tell you!!
Now, now. I realize many a mistake is made as you just happen to be typing fast and not paying attention to what you are typing. You are texting while driving and a stray “your” gets sent, when it should have been “you’re”. What’s that? You’re not sure when to use “you’re” or “your”? If you are able to read this right now then you’re well able to get it… and if not, then you are killing me.
It’s not so much a matter of seeing it, as it is a matter of saying it. It’s nice to pronounce contractions in your mind or read out loud in your mind. Do you ever do that? Read out loud in your mind? It’s like you are reading out loud, but you are not reading out loud… but in your mind you are reading out loud. If you practice, it’s its own therapy for your contraction ills. Did you like that last one? I thought so.
Well, I hope you’re on your way to a better understanding of when to say “its”, “it’s”, “your” and “you’re”. It’s high time I go now because Cari made us homemade pumpkin bread and its aroma is intoxicating.
Inspiration for this inspirational message was provided by Shanna at Food Loves Writing… and supposedly her co-worker as well.