Well, I am sure you have heard it said “you are only as good as your word“? If this is a true statement there are a lot of people out there with a crappy word! I mean, if you are only as good as your word, and I assure you, you are, then you should be on time everytime and once you make a commitment you should make that happen!

I know, things get in the way like: traffic, long lines, sleep, drunkeness …. Please stop me when I hit the mark. These may seem like good excuses but they are just that, excuses. Everyone knows that excuses will get you behind bars in a guatamalan prison, you didn’t know? Well, it’s true, you have my word on it.

RSVP taking seems to be easy, people don’t seem to have a problem taking or making the reservation, it’s the process of holding the reservation, that is where the crap hits the fan.

If you find yourself out there reading this and don’t think it applies to you ask yourself these questions:

Do I have any friends?
Are my friends mad at me for some unknown reason?
Do people tell me that I am waste of time?

Any of these can be signs of failure to commit, and you singles out there wonder why you can’t get/keep a boy/girl friend.

I suggest you start making amends with those you have made empty commitments to. You know who they are! I would go as far as saying that you should go places that you haven’t commited to just to practice.