I like to quote movies, TV shows, and random drunken dry waller’s. Why? Well, because it makes my heart merry and a merry heart is like medicine, or crack, depending on who you ask. Some of my favorite quotable’s are from the movie Dumb and Dumber, followed by The Princess Bride… which, by the way, is nowhere near as queer as it sounds, so back off! You don’t know me! I also like hearing good quotes from shows like Seinfield and Family Guy. I am not good with these shows and their quotes, but they are funny when you hear them come from someone that does good impressions.
As much fun as this is all the time, there are times and places that should not have quotes of any kind in them. These places are subject to change depending on the people. For instance, say you are someplace new or slightly new, but definitely with new people and you are getting to know these people in a semi- professional setting. I mean, no one is in a suit or a tie, but you are saying things like “what is it you do for a living?” and “come here often?” These are typical sayings of a semi- professional setting, you know what I mean? The atmosphere is where you have a napkin in your lap and no one eats till everyone else is served and you all are staring blankly at a TV that is playing figure skating. Here is where you don’t want your first words to be a quote from anything. Then to top it off, you look at your friend expecting him or her to laugh with you as they normally would. But of course they don’t because they want to at least pretend they have more of a life than you.
Here is a short list of places not to use movie quotes:
-First date
-Aformentioned restaurant with “new” friends
-At church
-On your honeymoon
-During a pat down from a TSA officer
-Anytime there is any one in a the room with who is trying to start a conversation… Never mind this is exactly where you should do it!
Be responsible with your quotes and don’t over use them, it will sound like all you do is play video games and watch the same movies over and over again. If you are dating a girl and it’s been a month or two you are safe to drop some quotes on her. If she jets, it was never meant to be, but if she stays and laughs, then, well… she is the one.