I know what you are thinking and it is not a typo… I really mean what to do about putting the toilet seat down. You see, there are many, many women out there that constantly give me crap about putting the toilet seat back down. But I won’t do it! Why? Because if I have to put it up to pee you can put it down to pee. The toilet seat is an equal oppurtuniy employer and I employ you to do your part and put the seat down if you want it down.

This society and it’s women with their “I can do anything ” attitudes and yet they will not do anything is well… a con-tra-dic-tion. It’s much like saying “I don’t need your help but you should offer just in case I change my mind”. That’s the one thing that is consistent about women… they are ever changing just like the weather.

If you want to sit down without looking then put the seat down, if you were a guy and you want to pee without looking first there would be a trash can full of urine!

I know, I know it is a courtesy you say… but so is not talking at the movies or texting someone while you are having a conversation with another person that is standing right in front of you.

I hate to sound upset about this but I cannot help the fact that this is a double standard. No help is needed any other time till there is a shift in the wind or the moon and stars align. But God forbid if you don’t know when that is because if you don’t you will be beaten with your own shoe till you say “uncle“.

Put the toilet seat down yourselves and leave me alone! Always wanting the seat down but then get pissed when there is pee on the seat. Sorry ladies, you can’t have it both ways!