Are you tired of pointless questions? Do you hate questions you can’t answer? Are you tired of questions that don’t deserve an answer? Or are you ready for some pointless questions to make up for all of the hard questions you normally get? What if you had to answer questions all day? Would you go nuts? Or would you just answer them like some sort of answering machine?

Well, this is my life, maybe not all of my life, but a good majority of it. I get questions all of the time about everything. You know what? I think I shall list them, would that be a good idea? Should I do that? Ok here goes:

-what time are you going to be home?
-are you ready to eat?
-how was your sleep?
-did everything come out ok?
-whats wrong?
-what do you want for dinner?
-what time do you want up in the morning?
-do you get paid?
-where is the money?
-will you take out the trash?

I know, I know, you think you have figured out that this is another article about my wife. Well, you are wrong! It’s an article about life and love, no really… let me explain.

You spend your life asking yourself questions like: Is she the one? Is this the right job for me? When should I do this or that? Then you find a lady you love and it’s like she is your answer to all of life’s questions. For the most part you are right, but with answers, come more questions. If you don’t believe me, then clearly you are not married.

The good news, and yes, there is some good news, is that you can count on her love and support if she does answer all your questions about life and love. But there are stages in this question game.

First year, probably few questions, somewhere between 2-4 a day. Years 3 to 5, there are questions but you still haven’t noticed the frequency, more like 5-10 a day. Year 6 and up, well, here not only are you onto the questions game, you now realize that they are in fact questions with no point, or have obvious answers. These are questions that make you start noticing the fact that now you are being asked multiple questions, like an uzzy shooting questions like bullets at a large target, you will soon find yourself ducking behind furniture and around walls.

What happens at the later stages is something that women call “selective hearing” when in fact it’s question avoidance at its finest. Some of the true veterans of the game have fooled their spouse into believing that they are in fact deaf in one hear. To them I will salute, you sir(s) are true winners!

To the rest of you, this is worth the trade for somebody being your soulmate, but if you can slow the process, do it anyway possible. Godspeed men… Godspeed!