Who likes waiting? Not this guy! That is for sure… Waiting in line is like being subjected to some type of horrible social experiment. Think about it…

You are elbow and elbow with a bunch of people you don’t know coming from various places with the same goal. Some people are quiet, some are coughing and others are just downright loud. It seems like at any moment something epic could happen… but it never does.

If you have ever been in line at the DMV or your bank drive thru or if your state has an emissions checking station you know what I am talking about. You pull up or walk in and you see several lines and you can’t tell which one is moving fast unless you wait for a second and watch. But this is risky because you have people behind you and they will cut you… don’t even think that they won’t.

So you see a line surge and you jump in and breath a sigh of relief for a moment… that is till the line next to you has moved two spaces up. “Thats fine” you say but you are waiting and watching to see if you made the right choice. Just then your line moves ahead again and again! Now you are way ahead, this is when you start looking at the others with this gleem in your eye. The look of pride and accomplishment as to say ” yeah you are a lawyer and pull in six figures but I am two spaces ahead of you, boo!” that’s when you have both sides to your right and left surge ahead 5 spaces each. You quickly look down as if you lost something or your phone just rang, all in avoidance of the guy you just gave the dirty look.

Nothing is worse than waiting in line except when you realize that you picked the wrong line and that you are thinking about all the places you could be by now. This sucks and sometimes it is unavoidable, but there is help.

Try going to the bank before Friday at 4 pm. Then try not going to the DMV at the end of the month. If you are at the grocery store read what to do about using the self check out and then proceed to the self check out!

This is the best I can do, but even the best of us are sometimes subjected to the line of scorn, the line of death, the line of… Ok you get the point?! If this is the case just relax and keep your mouth shut, because you never know who is standing next to you.