You learn quick what you can say and not say when you have a 6 and 2 year old running around your house. I learned early on that you can’t call your friend a bastard too many times before the 2 year old picks it up and calls your mother-in-law a bastard. I told my mother-in-law that this problem was because Steve had taught him how to say it. I was surprised when she believed it, and still chuckle when she says that Steve shouldn’t be allowed to hang around. Not because she is telling me who to be friends with, but because she still thinks he said it. Good times!

The most recent, and slightly funnier thing that my kids have been saying is, “really dad”, which is funny, but after they have been sprayed with the hose from the rooftop or given a wet willy, it is even more grand! I implore you to try it, and when your 2 year old says, “weally daad”, you will laugh till you pee a little. It’s so darn cute, and it is way better than calling anyone a bastard. As adults you don’t really realize that you overuse words everyday. Words like:

-Epic Fail
-It’s Kind Of Funny
-That’s Random

That was just to name a few, I mean, come on. Things are only as awkward as you make them, if you don’t get that, then you fail, epic fail. Really? I think it goes without saying, like for real. It’s kind of funny how inconceivable that is, that’s really random.

Check yo self before yo wreck yo self!