I recently went and watched the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which is a documentary on the debate between Intelligent Design vs Evolution, featuring actor Ben Stein. I personally really enjoyed the film but most likely because I believe in Intelligent Design so I went in with that bias already in place. Stein interviews leading scientists and evolutionists and asks great questions to those on both sides of the issue. He speaks with those who have been fired (expelled) from their jobs because they mentioned intelligent design in their work place.

Everyone knows that America (the land of the free, home of the brave) was founded to provide freedom. The pilgrims came to find religious freedom. So much is made about free speech and the freedom to choose (whatever it may be), and past wars were fought and lives have been given to protect this freedom that so many others do not have. I am extremely thankful for this freedom and it is easy to take it for granted. That being said, after watching this film, it is frightening to think that such drastic measures are being taken by those who do not agree with Intelligent Design to prevent it from even being discussed or presented as a possible option. Why is it frightening? Because I am afraid to lose freedom, the freedom to do what is right as there are so many things that freedom allows.

No one can absolutely prove that there is an intelligent Creator, but no one can PROVE an alternative to how life really began as well. A measure of faith is needed to believe any view of how life began. I believe a persons world-view plays a major role in this debate and how people choose what they would rather believe. If you believe in God or are even willing to consider the fact that a higher power may exist, this will affect the way one draws conclusions about many things in life.

So, the main question is how did life begin in the first place? I fully support the freedom this country provides to those who believe in Evolution with all of their heart and those that present that theory in the classroom and elsewhere, but why are those who have a convincing argument for Intelligent Design expelled and not allowed to merely discuss another option?

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5 Responses

  1. Evolution is backed up by scientific evidence. Intelligent Design is based on faith. If someone told you that there were millions of chocolate teapots in orbit around the sun, they were too small for our telescopes to pick up on and so you'd just have to have faith that they were there, would you? Didn't think so.

  2. “If someone told you that there were millions of chocolate teapots in
    orbit around the sun, they were too small for our telescopes to pick
    up on and so you'd just have to have faith that they were there,
    would you? Didn't think so.”

    That's precisely why Darwinian Evolution is so flawed. It does the
    same thing. You are just stating that Intelligent Design is based
    upon faith but really you have no clue. Nice try.

  3. Besides, Darwinian Evolution is more accepted because it has many books written about it, it is told over in school..
    no wonder no one thinks twice about alternate theory's
    plus its both a theory.. interresting is the fact that..
    if one believes that this life and all we see has a meaning.. it Must! have a creator. and thats fact..

  4. It is improbable in my opinion to think that no one created all of this…Things just dont magically appear out of nowhere you know, something, someone has to had made everything

  5. It is improbable in my opinion to think that no one created all of this…Things just dont magically appear out of nowhere you know, something, someone has to had made everything