Aaaaaaah. They like me too much the little buggers. I get mosquito bites all the time. They like my blood. They are little vampires waiting for their next blood meal!

Not only are they pests, but they are picky pests! Why is it that they seem to bite some people more than others? I have heard everything from it depends on the amount of cholesterol in the person’s skin to if the person is stressed out which creates chemicals in the body that are unattractive to mosquitoes. I have heard garlic deters them. I don’t know… I just don’t know anymore.

The truth has to be out there somewhere… but where? Where O where can I find the solution to save me from certain spearing from a ‘squito??

Somehow a mosquito got into my room the other night. I know, I know… I run a very tight ship, I am not sure how he snuck in. I have been known to wake up, stick out my arm, and BAM gotcha you little bastard!

Anyway, so I was sleeping peacefully and I am suddenly wakened by a buzzing that I hear near my ear. It is 5 AM, no joke. So I think, “I shall get up like before and bait the bastard with my arm and kill it“. So I get up and the ‘squito flys away… I see him near my desk and he moves quickly. I follow him to one of my shelves and almost get him but this fellah is smart. Then I lose him. Noooooooo!

So I resign to get back in bed thinking he will leave me alone till morning. Alas I was wrong. It was pretty cool in the house so I am sure he was coming near for some warmth – he wanted to snuggle with me… and suck my blood!

I soon hear the familiar buzzing getting close and quickly put just my sheet over my head. The sound goes away for a minute and then returns. I am thinking “how long am I gonna have to lay like this“. You see, I like to breathe fresh air when I sleep… I feel too stifled with my head under the covers.

Well, I worked it out so I could breathe nicely and be protected from the ‘squito. And I slept. When morning came… let’s just say he got his.

What should you do about mosquitoes? Please help me help you! No really, help me help you… yes, YOU.

If you are having trouble maybe you should just bathe in garlic? Not only will it keep the mosquitoes away but the women as well!!