I am afraid that this message comes too late for many of you. I am afraid you have missed the importance of bed making. Those fluffy pillows and sultry blankets can be very deceiving. Be vigilant or else they will lull you to complacency, not to mention sleep.

There are many bountiful benefits to making your bed and the sum of them is greater than the parts. Let’s examine.

First, when you make your bed you help yourself begin the day. It is the discipline of making your bed that says, “No, I will not be a slave to you bed–I will get out of you and seal you up so that I can go and make something of myself today!” So you see, it prepares you to divide and conquer.

Secondly, when you regularly make your bed you develop a routine of discipline that will spill over into other areas of your life–prompted by the example of your bed. It will be a shining bed on a hill, if you will.

Thirdly, when you make your bed you prepare to receive a reward. You like Christmastime don’t you? And birthdays? You see, each evening you get to pull back the covers and unwrap if you will, the present that is your bed. If you fail to make your bed, well, then all you have is a jumbled mess that leaves you with no surprise and tantalization.

I hope that you have been challenged to examine your bed making habits, or lack thereof. If you would like more instruction on how to make your bed feel free to let me know. I am thinking of starting a new club called the “We Make Our Bed Club.” That way we can meet others who make there bed and encourage each other in making the bed. So you can make your bed and eat it to.

Do you make your bed?