I like to drink homemade milk shakes and fruit smoothies at least a few times per week because they are quick, easy to make, and healthy when quality ingredients are used. They are also very refreshing, and I like to be refreshed. Throughout this article when I say “smoothie” I may also mean “shake”, in other words I’m just going to use the words interchangeably.

Anyway, when I first started making shakes I would just throw all of the ingredients I wanted into my blender and begin blending. I was such a young and inexperienced lad. I’ve learned over the years that there is a process to making a smoothie smoothly. You dare me to say that five times really fast? Make a smoothie smoothly, make a smoothie smoothly, make a smoothie smoothly, make a smoothie smoothly, make a smoothie smoothly.

Anyway, back to the process. There is a proper way to make a shake or smoothie that will make the whole experience a smooth and efficient one.

Step #1. Put liquids in first. By liquids I mean the milk, water, or juice that you are using in your drink.

Step #2. Start the blender and then slowly put the fruit(s) or other solids in next. Doing this will eliminate the initial splatter and will leave you with less mess on your blender, countertop or even yourself.

Step #3. This is the most important step in the process. While the blender is still blending slowly add any other types of less solid ingredients such as powders (cocoa, sugar, etc.), honey, peanut butter, chocolate, etc. Make sure to add them very slowly and directly into the center of your blender to prevent these ingredients from sticking to the side of your blender. This is key because often people are tempted to stick an object such as a spoon or finger into the blender (while it is running) to scrape these sticky substances off of the blender wall and occasionally (usually when you least expect it) the object hits the blade and you experience a smoothie volcanic eruption in your kitchen. The last thing you want is blood and finger flesh included in the mess. By sticking objects into the blender you also run the risk of damaging the blender so it’s just a bad idea.

If you get thru Step #3 successfully you can then proceed onto Step #4 which is my favorite step.

Step #4. Get your favorite glass out, mine is usually a beer stein which is occasionally frosted in my freezer, poor yourself a full one and enjoy!

Step #5. Clean up your blender. This will be super easy because you have followed the above steps to a tee and you have little or no mess. Just rinse out and wipe down your blender and be done with it. Plus others will be happy not to find a dirty blender with gunk on it when they use the blender next.

So there you go, follow my steps and you’ll make a smoothie smoothly! (or a shake)