There are many musical genres I enjoy and rap is no exception. Polka and country, they are the exceptions. I don’t like either of those, but that is another article for another blog somewhere out there. I grew up listening to contemporary christian pop music, rap, and later in my teens I started to get into hardcore and metal. This is a weird array of music, especially if you add the fact that I spent a summer with an album of reggae from the band christ-afari. The music became part of me as I grew up.

I have had this place in my heart for rap since I was 16. Getting down with some Bone Thugs and Harmony, 2pac, DC Talk, and of course some Gospel Gangstaz. I know it’s crazy, but I liked some stuff from all of them. When I would listen to rap music I felt like I could beat up anyone even though I didn’t have too. A simple blank stare would scare anyone off, so long as California Love was playing in the background. I learned to play the drums while listening to and playing to DC Talk, Audio Adrenaline and Newsboys. These were also a little more accessible in our house, because my mom felt like if you were listening to bad music you were bad.

So few of my friends like rap music, they are very few and far between. I am listening to some as I write this article and my buds have this look on their face like “is this going to happen all night?”. It may, but probably won’t because I care what they think, kind of… now onto Ace Of Base.

What will I do about listening to rap music? I will continue to let it fly in my iphone shuffle playlist because it can be the perfect compliment to some “new metal” or snuggle right up to some “piano rock”. I will roll down the windows and blare that stuff… till someone walks up beside me, then I will turn it down so I don’t get beat up. While sipping my gin and juice!