Why do kids like ketchup… on everything? My kids put ketchup on chicken, pancakes, hash browns, scrambled eggs, french toast, grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, and last but not least, themselves.

I don’t think that I had a problem like this with ketchup when I was a kid, I am pretty sure my thing was milk. I would have milk all the time no matter what. Breakfast- milk, lunch- milk, dinner- milk, vodka- milk you get the picture right? I like milk.

So the ketchup thing does not translate for me. One thing I do find funny is that my wife still likes it on things too, just like the kids. Weird? I know.

The other night I was sitting there eating my dinner which happened to be oven fried chicken and homemade french fries. I looked up and saw not one person eating ketchup on the chicken but 3, every one was but me. I looked at my wife and said, “really?” She said “what?” to which I replied “what!”, but that is a whole other article. I asked her why she had ketchup on her chicken and she said something about really liking it. I think it’s weird and smothers the taste, but my kids think it’s great.

After dinner, that same night, I left the dining room and was watching Tv and out of the corner of my eye was my oldest son licking the plates of his mom and younger brother. Sure ketchup is good, but good enough to be licked off of a plate? I don’t think so, as a matter of fact I know so…

This problem has an easy answer and that is to secretly place some hot sauce in the ketchup when the family is not looking and they will stop eating it so much. I might laugh so hard that milk comes out of my nose!