It’s a common everyday problem during the fall and winter months and I know you are probably thinking, “Um, put on a pair of gloves.” Well this article is intended for people who do not own a pair of gloves or just need a quick solution when their hands get cold.

Often times I have the problem of one hand being cold when the other hand is not, I know that sounds odd, I must have really bad circulation or something. Below I have listed a few quick and easy solutions to hand warming as well as a few “not to do’s”.

Quick and easy solutions include:

1) Shape your hand into a loose fist and blow hot air into it. I see professional football players, usually quarterbacks, do this all the time to warm their hands and fingers up quickly while playing.

2) Rub your hands together real fast for about 20 seconds, I wouldn’t rub much longer than that, too much friction might be dangerous.

3) Make a nice hot cup of coffee or tea to sip on, holding the hot cup or mug will surely warm your hand(s) up quickly and your whole body for that matter.

4) If you are in the kitchen making something to eat turn on your oven and crack the door open, every now & then stick your fingers by the oven door to warm them up. Please DO NOT place your hands directly in the oven. Also DO NOT try this with a microwave.

What NOT to do:

1) Sit on your hands. It just looks odd.

2) Put your hands in your pants (either in the front or against your buttocks) to keep them warm. This looks extremely odd and really bothers me, yes I’ve seen it done. I know sometimes warm air might protrude from behind but still that’s no excuse.

3) Put your hands underneath your arm pits. Not only will you look stupid but your fingers will probably smell pretty bad.

4) Placing your hands in any fluid that is not water to warm them. I’m sure their are some fluids that might warm your hands well but I can’t think of any that I would recommend besides water of course.

Ok that’s all I have for you, now you know there are a whole host of things you can do. Oh yeah, another good solution to this whole problem would be to get some gloves.

Harry: I can’t feel my fingers anymore Lloyd, there numb.
Lloyd: Maybe you should wear these extra gloves, my hands are starting to get sweaty.
Harry: Extra gloves? You’ve had this pair of extra gloves this whole time?
Lloyd: Yeah, we’re in the Rockies.