If you think jumping down and up is the same thing as jumping up and down… then you are dead wrong. One minute you are jumping up and down, the next minute you are dead wrong.

For those who do not know, jumping down and up is much more difficult than jumping up and down. Typically, jumping up and down shows great excitement over something. Typically. Jumping down and up, on the other hand, shows consistent joy… not necessarily happiness or excitement over circumstances.

So, for example, if you get a new job, get married, stay single, pay off all your debt, have a child, eat a las paletas popsicle, know Tim Mallon, know Terry Barga, know Nathan Mallon, or your son mows the lawn for the first time … these are all things to jump up and down over.

However, when you jump down and up it is not dependent on circumstances. So it doesn’t really matter what is happening around you cause you are jumping down and up without regard to what is happening around you. It is really great. Really really really great. But don’t be fooled, it’s not easy.

Don’t be mistaken though… I highly recommend jumping down and up. Set yourself on a high point and jump down… then jump back up and repeat. If you try and jump down and up and you don’t really have consistent joy… well then… you will feel pretty dumb… cause there really isn’t any other reason to jump down and up. But… if you have consistent joy, then you can jump down and up and you will be glad that you can jump down and up. AND and and, as a bonus jumping up and down gets better too. I know, I know, who woulda thought.