You know how we here at WTDA sometimes use this blog for mindless venting? No?… Well we do! It’s time you know. I recently purchased a car and I did this on blind faith and a plan. My plan was to call about a car that I was interested in, back in my home state of Ohio, and then see if my father-in-law could go look at it. If he could look at it, then maybe he could negotiate the deal for me, or at the very least tell me straight up what he thought about the car. The good news is, he did, and then said it was a great car. I soon called the owner and made him an offer he could not refuse… he refused it. So I counter offered, accepted!

The deal was done, except for the fact that it was still in Ohio, while I was busy down here in Nashville working 12 hour days. I thought I had solved the problem by having my parent drive it down two weeks later, but the day of the “pick up” they got snow. A lot of snow… 18″ of snow! This would have been no problem if they would have left on time, but oh no, they were running late, as I suppose you do when you are old. By the time they were ready to go the snow was up to an inch on the road, just an inch you ask? Yes, an inch. This wouldn’t have been a problem for any other Ohio driver, but my parents, or primarily my mother is afraid to drive on snow, rain. gravel, highways, mountain roads, hilly roads, or any road with the name dead in it.

I remember when my mother and I would drive into thunderstorms to look for tornados, and now she is afraid of rain and snow?? Whatever, I suppose it goes with the turning 50 thing. There was a solution for this problem! The problem being that I needed the car ASAP, and the solution being a shiny plain ticket.

I hopped a plane to Columbus, where all my friends were to busy to pick me up, and I had to have my mom and dad come and get me. They picked me up and quickly informed me that we weren’t going straight home… fine I guess one or two stops wouldn’t hurt… I mean it was only 6 pm. The night was young, so I thought. We slowly made our way back to Dayton after about an hour and 45 minutes of mom telling dad when to signal, when to accelerate, when to brake, and when to speak! After I had my fun telling her that maybe she should drive, we stopped for a burrito. This is when they told me that we had to pick up my sister… it’s now 8 p.m., and she doesn’t get off till 8:45. This whole ordeal is starting to get annoying.

We make our way over to my sister’s work at about 25 MPH, the roads were icy and there was 18″ inches of snow. Well, it looked more like a foot, but I didn’t have a tape measure. After picking up my sister we found ourselves heading home and it is now about 9 p.m. We pull in front of the house, after driving the back roads for 40 minutes, only to stop in front of the house for my mom to say… “let’s show Terry where his sister got stuck last night”. I quickly said no, they could show me in the morning, knowing my new car was sitting in their garage waiting for our meeting.

Mom said it will only take a minute and like a robot my dad drove off, “it was right there… so close!!”. They belted out in laughter and said, “is that why you wanted to get home?”. I said, “I just bought a car that I have not seen or driven yet, and you want to take a ride down the road for no reason?!” They laughed all the more as they drove down the street and showed me where they were stuck…

Never again!