*This article was written by our friend Ryan Rado.

As I sit and type this, I repeatedly tap myself in the nuts. Sure it hurts. If you’re a dude you know what it feels like to so much as graze your guys with even a finger tip. Imagine hitting one or BOTH (that’s the money shot) of them over and over and over and over. Stomach ache for hours. Oh, and today, I was driving on the highway at about 75mph and mashed on my brakes. Came down about 30mph; pretty much scared the jeeebuss out of the people behind me. Hmm, more? Sure! Yeah, I pinch nipples, crotches, boobs, that soft part on your arm, you know, the area next to your armpit. It’s not just a light little tickleish pinch, I tear it up! OH CRAP, ready for the sickest and one of my most interesting “tics/compulsions”? Every time I’m in a restroom I have to strain to resist the urge to touch my TONGUE to a URINAL. No joke. So, what to do about having Tourette’s Syndrome/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Well, all I can say is… I know Ryan Rado.

ps. Google two things…

Tourette’s Syndrome/OCD and Ron Paul.

Okay, maybe three things.