I like to eat! As a matter of fact I like to eat a lot. Now I know what you are thinking, and no I don’t have a thyroid problem. I am a dude that can’t gain weight if my life depended on it! So yeah, breakfast, that sounds really good right now. I will have to admit that I haven’t made my own in a long time and I don’t think I could. Let me tell you why. Some people just have the touch when it comes to cooking eggs just right… and I am not one of them. As a matter of fact, I get very upset when I mess up my eggs, I like them to be perfect… like little pieces of sunshine on my plate smiling up at me.
That said, I suck when it comes to flipping those little rays of sunshine, I really suck… but there is good news. My wife is an amazing cook and she loves breakfast a little too much. Her family has it as a regular meal once a week, thats crazy. I like breakfast and have been known to have it on occasion for dinner but not every week… Germans! Anyway, she makes killer eggs, and she nestles them right close to the turkey bacon with honey and butter toast. A delicious way to a heart healthy day!
What now? Well, I will tell you. Breakfast is an important part of your day and can actually help you lose weight. No kidding, but thats not why I do it, it’s because… well, I am hungry after a hard night of silly dreams of elephants playing hill billy golf with my neihgbors while drinking all my milk. That’s it really!
No really, I am done, so I will talk to you after lunch.