Well it seems like you never know your tail light is out till someone tells you, like a cop. I think that cops use this as an excuse to frisk me for drugs. I think out of all the times that I had interactions with the police (25) that half of those times were for a tail light being out.

Yes, I have had quite the history with the police as you can see, 25 moving violations can make it hard for a dude to drive legally. In Ohio where I am from there are two police “depots” paid for by me solely! Ok maybe not, but someone must learn something by my folly… like… don’t get caught! There is an upside, I can spot a cop a mile away, literally I can see there reflective plates of paint, or I can watch the panic from the drivers ahead and know that I should slow down. Even now I know that keeping the police in front of me is a good idea even if I am doing nothing wrong. This is a lesson that you can take to the streets before you find your face in it put there by a hot shot cop with his knee in the back of your neck telling you to stop resisting!

This lesson is important, but some of us refuse to learn even if subjected to the lessons day in and day out. This brings me to me wife, she is a great mother and wife but a horrible driver! She, like most women not only refuse to use logic but fail to see the logic behind logic itself. Logic will tell you that keeping the cops behind you when you have expired license plates from another car (a car that you don’t even have anymore) on your new car while driving without a valid Tennessee drivers license is not a good idea. Now before you think that we are a bunch of hill jacks driving around uninsured and without a license you should know that I am not, but my wife…. just kidding, she has a license and she is no hill jack. The license is from Ohio which means that since we now live in Tennessee it is only valid for the first 30 days of your new residency. This is crap, crap I say… Crap Indeed!

So I had mine changed because I am the primary driver, the wife on the other hand has not because I leave her at home barefoot and pregnant right next to the stove where she belongs! Sorry, just a little more hill jack talk! She doesn’t drive because we only have one car and I use it to win bread… or something like that.

Yeah, she got pulled over for having a tail light out and the lovely police officer saw her license plates and her drivers license and ticketed accordingly. All this happened without me in the car but somehow I am at fault. But if the previous mentioned logic was used there would have been no police car behind her to begin with. I am just saying ladies you could get pretty far with a little bit of common sense, sure your cute and even some of you are hot (not as many as you think). BUT nothing is more attractive than knowing how to shake the fuzz.

I am going to treat this problem the same way I do with any problem involving my wife and a motor vehicle, stop letting her drive. It’s dangerous and expensive. If you are a girl and this offends you, well so does that scarf lying around your neck like a dead squirrel offend me.