Shootin’ and killin’… don’t knock it till you try it! Why can’t we go back to the days of the Wild West? Back then you were known by how fast your hand was and you didn’t have to take any crap from anyone. If you were quick enough you could do anything you wanted… and lets not forget you would always get the girl in the end… and something about the sunset.

I love playing with guns, shooting at targets or random abandoned buildings, not to mention tasty animals. It’s amazing the release that is felt after you squeeze the trigger of .45-caliber handgun. Everything just floats away… your troubles and worries vanish. There is something about a gun that can make even the smallest of testicles drop. Or… if you are a woman you will notice the grand euphoria that is felt. It is unmatched, there is nothing quite like having that power right in the palm of your hands. (Yes, we are still talking about guns here).

Unlike many of my opening dialogs… well, this is like many of my opening dialogs. However, I do believe more things could be resolved with weapons. As a matter of fact, guns have brought a lot of good things to this country and to the world.

Hold on now… stick with me before you get all riled up.

There is a lot that can be said about the use of guns in securing freedom, keeping prisoners at bay, or just hunting for food. I guess it is all relative to your state of mind and how you were raised as to whether you are for or against the use of them. If I could, I would use a gun every day to go out and kill my food, then cook it over an open fire… then kill who or whatever tried to steal it.

You can give a lot of credit to the guns for the evolution of the modern world and the things we have conquered… and to think, there are still people out there that believe “guns” kill people. I think they do have a hand in it… no seriously, we need to start with a different perspective on the whole idea. If we start by understanding that if we teach responsibility, love, and respect to our kids and practice these things ourselves we can co-exist with these weapons. Instead, we as a society let the government tell us what to believe and how to believe (and not only in regard to guns).

Right now we should be taking action to keep our right to bear arms. We should take notes from our forefathers who braved this country with nothing but a gun in one hand and a knife in the other (and a coonskin hat). Our world will always be governed by the use of force even when the whole world is saying PEACE. There will be a time when there will be no more war and weapons will no longer be needed… but man will never bring us to that point.

Our forefathers had it right when they formed our constitution and it still holds true today.

I do hear the other half when they say that in this modern time we don‚Äôt need to have weapons cause they serve no purpose. I think on the contrary, they protect our soldiers and our cops… not to mention the people in my house.

I believe we could do a lot better at educating each other instead of slinging blame all the time. I guess I have said too much about this subject. I realize there isn’t anything funny about it… (although, I thought I did a pretty damn good job) that’s because it involves death and there are those dying for our right to argue about this subject and to them I am truly grateful for their sacrifice.

So strap one on in honor of our right to do so. I hope you are inspired by this column and maybe want to take up hunting, target shooting, or at the very least want to mount a rifle above your mantle. That would be rad.