This is really a legitimate topic because I have seen it more than once for no good reason. I mean, it’s not halloween, there is no new pirate movie coming out, really… why? No really, why?

I think pirates are cool, not the old pirates so much, but the new pirates.  You know the ones in the movies that really aren’t hurting anybody. The pirates of old were quite mean and horrible people much like a mixture of the criminals of today. A rapist, thief, and a car jacker all wrapped up into one fun loving villian. Crazy I know, what is crazier yet, is that these people who dress like pirates look absolutely stupid. The couple I saw were so confident that they looked good they even walked like pirates and the dude even smelled like a pirate. The woman was clearly the one in charge because any good woman knows that she can control a man right down to his clothes if she wanted to. So clearly this was alright with her that her boyfriend looked like a jack ass. Then to hear everybody make fun of him and then still think it was cool, it just blows my mind.

I guess they get points for confidence, I remember her coming into an event that I was taking tickets at the door of. She came up to me and pulled her tickets out of her bra as though I would think that was hot, when in fact I was trying my best to not throw up. That’s when I wish I had gloves on! Speaking of gloves I didn’t think pirates wore gloves, even gloves with skulls on them and of course missing the fingers.

What to do about it? First thing is try not to laugh. Then tell them you have no gold and you were already raped once so no luck there. Hopefully they won’t try and make you join them or die because I have nothing for that. You will just have to commit to puffy shirts for the rest of your life.

Good luck!