This article is inspired by a dear friend that takes a lot of crap from me, and will continue to take a lot of
crap from me. She makes me laugh with her constant giggling. Ok, not at first… actually in the beginning it was quite different. I used to think that there was a special place in hell where little girls would go that couldn’t stop laughing. Why? Well, before it was smile-inspiring for me, it was a prelude to beatings from my mom. Please allow me to explain.

My slightly older sister would always start laughing when she or we (her, me and my younger sister) would get in trouble. So there we would be, lined up against the wall trying not to laugh while my mom asked us, who did what? It was the same old interrogation process that we have seen so many times before. My older sister would be so nervous for the ensuing beating that she would just start laughing. This did not fair well with my mom, it actually made her quite mad. So mad that I am pretty sure steam came out of her ears once… Mom would warn her but to no avail, soon we would all get beat for her laughing. Ah… corporal punishment for a crime committed by the single weakest link in the group. We got away with nothing when she was around.

This went on for some time, there were many beatings or spankings because of her bloody laughing. You can imagine why I would have a tiddle bit of angst for this expression. I soon stopped liking certain girls after they displayed such character, it was an instant reflection of my sister and soon meant that I was going to be spanked and not in the good way either.

I have since had a change of heart and realized that this laughter can be quite rewarding since I am always looking for an audience for this comic show I put on everyday. It’s actually an ego boast, as if I needed one… right? But nonetheless I have made peace with the fact that there is not a blistering spanking coming after the giggling.

Seeing someone with a smile all the time even when they call you names like: A-hole, awkward, inappropriate, dirt bag and well anything with the last name ass. It is still uplifting and some times worth it, if it weren’t for the very joy I get from making her sore from working out, then well, I might have to keep her at a distance. Which might be hard given the fact that she and my wife are buddies.

So your girl giggles, deal with it! It’s better than one who constantly folds her arms and rolls her eyes every time you tell a joke. Smiles can take you miles fellahs, even if she doesn’t like your hairy back, constant burping, the occasional fart and your obsession with scratching your own butt.