I am all about getting the mail. It has become a bit of a race in our household, even with my 4 year old. I think partly it is an escape from the normal everyday grind… if you will. Maybe it is the anticipation of money. I’ll tell you what it’s not… getting bills! I hate that part of getting the mail. I would rather eat a light bulb while it was lit.

The bills and the junk mail all really suck no matter what day it is. Especially if it is the only thing you get, that makes the previous 2 hours a waste of anxiety, anticipation, and preparation.

I know the mailman comes between 3:30 and 4:00pm on Monday and Friday (heavier mail loads) and typically more toward the 3 o’clock hour during the rest of the week. On Saturday he is there early like around 2:45pm because who wants to work on Saturday?

That being said I need to see how much time is spent at the box. Let me illustrate for you… please.

If the mailman rolls up with nothing in his hands we are getting a package-BONUS!

If he rolls up with something in his hands then we are getting bills-PISS!

If he rolls up with something in his hands and something on his lap we are getting bills plus the junk newspaper that no one reads and can only be given away-PISS and CHIPS!!

It’s all in the way the man rolls to the box… you can tell what you are getting before you go out there which is nice on cold days. The one thing that I don’t get enough of is checks in the mail or birthday cards stacked with cash, or just cash! Seriously, come on people!

Another thing about getting the mail is the awkard looks from the neighbors‚Ķ like they want to say ‚Äúhow you doing?”‚Ķ but you look away too fast‚Ķ as if you can catch something from saying hi. Ok, not you? Well aren‚Äôt you little miss perfect? I don‚Äôt like talking to my neighbors because it will lead to other things like: What do you do for a living? Where are you from? Can you take me to the airport? I guess what I am saying is that I don‚Äôt want to know what‚Äôs going on around me. It‚Äôs more fun to assume things and make up stories about my neighbors. Also, since this is more fun, we can avoid the good neighbor, bad neighbor scenario all for which I have the mailman to thank. Thanks mail dude!