It was a nice day, a day filled with birthday wishes, an inflatable, and did I mention, cake! Well, I don’t like cake, but that’s neither here nor there on this subject. Trust me.

After a day of excitement, we settled down for the evening to enjoy some family time. The inlaws were in town and we had a busy day. So we found oursleves watching college basketball for about an hour. After shear boredom, which doesn’t happen very often for me. I expell these words: “why do people get so emotional at sporting events”. This proclamation came after seeing a couple on tv get really scared that their team was going to lose and then hold each other rather tightly.

I don’t understand why people feel as though their lives will end if their team loses. I guess I get their disappointment, but holding each other… Really?

Just then, like a hairy batman with an “open” cape, my father-in-law sneaks up beside me, and as I am laying on the couch, totally mounts me! Did I mention he was wearing an open robe?!? With no shirt on?!? This would have been fine if… No, no! It’s never fine!

I didn’t know what to say and couldn’t move, I am not even going to tell you where my hands were (10 & 2).

Awkward is the word, yes, this is the word that best describes how I felt. Not to mention speechless. I mean, I appreciate the comedy of the scene, but hate that it had to be me. Like watching a guy get nailed in the groin with a wrench and laughing is not the same as it happening to you.

I was mounted! Straight up MOUNTED!