I feel as though I have already written “What To Do About WEARING A SEAT BELT” but maybe I haven’t and need to do that as soon as possible (aka asap). However, this time I want to come at you with a question. Just because ‘not wearing a seat belt is illegal’ does that make it stupid?

I personally hate wearing my seat belt for all kinds of reasons, but the most common one that keeps popping up is that it will not make me or the next guy a safer driver. Secondly, is my free will not acceptable in the argument of safety first?

Need an example? I thought you might. If I am old enough to smoke, drink, enlist in the army, and vote then how come I am not allowed to choose whether or not I want to wear a seat belt. All those things have the potential to kill me but they are not illegal if you are of a certain age. So I am of that age… why does it not apply to seat belts?

Sure, I get that “it’s better to be safe than sorry”. What if I would rather be a better driver and not leave safety up to law enforcement, other drivers, or anyone else for that matter? For instance, I am very intentional about being a safe driver. I have avoided maybe 10 or more accidents that would have not been my fault. Even though I should have hit the guy to teach him a lesson. What lesson? The lesson that wearing a seat belt will not make you a better or dare I say smarter driver. I drive defensively and am very effective at driving well. What next? Will it be illegal to walk without a helmet!! Where does it end?

I will pay my ticket and likely continue to drive without a seat belt, but if I do decide to start wearing one it will not be because I feel safer or that it will protect me. It will be because I don’t have the $55 to waste on a stupid law!