It’s time to get back to good. Let’s find your center. We are going to go through a list of things that make you feel better. There are different things that make different people feel better… that goes without saying, so I will try and hit the top things that are broad for the readership. So take a deep breath, turn down the tv, unbutton your pants if you have to. Boy am I glad that we can’t see each other right now. Let’s get to it.

1) The Sun

Sunshine always make me feel good, whether it be in the morning or after a long cold night. It always feels good on my skin and looks good coming up and going down, kind of like my… favorite pants. What did you think I was going to say?

2) Music

I can’t think of a time that I haven’t heard a song I like and not felt better about life. Music is very therapeutic and can be a great way for self expression as well.

3) Family

My family always makes me feel better, no matter how crappy my day was.

4) Church

I love to go to church and hear an encouraging word. I have been lifted in church on a number of occasions right when I needed to be.

5) God

The ultimate answer to this blog is a positive relationship with God. He will never fail you and will always be there even if everything else fails.


There is no reason why I should have to explain this one.

I hope this list is the same for you, it has worked so well for me, but if it’s not thats ok, we can still be friends.