Girls are usually good at talking on the phone, we know this, so we were glad to post this article on how to properly end phone conversations by our friend Robyn Leopold. We hope you find it useful and informative.

I was listening to a friend end a phone conversation the other day and it really annoyed me. He used the phrase ‚ÄúI‚Äôm gonna let you go‚Äù. If we really think about this saying, in most cases it doesn‚Äôt make sense. Have you ever been on the phone with someone when you have nothing better to do and are in no hurry to exit the conversation, yet on the other hand they seem awfully busy and have tons of stuff to do and they say ‚ÄúI‚Äôm gonna let YOU go”‚Ķ when in all actuality they are letting themselves go. Why sugarcoat it by making you think that they are doing you a favor by letting you off the phone when that just isn‚Äôt the case. I would much rather someone simply and truthfully state that they have to go.

Secondly, I believe everyone should end with a closing, whether it be bye, see ya, later dude, peace out. Anything that indicates you are finished, and to the best of your knowledge, the other party has also finished their thoughts for the time being. Though it may seem to some that a closing is unnecessary, when in all actuality it is as important as the opening hello. The hello says I’m here and I am hearing you, the goodbye gives without a doubt notice that you’re leaving. Without the bye how would the other party know if your phone died or if you meant to rudely hang the phone up without letting them know your plans of doing so? Bottom line is when concluding a phone conversation;

1.Don’t lie 

2.Don’t be inconsiderate of the other party by assuming that just because you’re done, they’re done.

Well I’m done writing, so though you may have all the time in the world to read, I am terribly busy therefore I’m gonna go ahead and let myself go. BYE.