I like to eat oatmeal in the morning for breakfast at least once or twice per week. One reason I like oatmeal is that you can put different things in your oatmeal. Here are some things I like to add to my oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes I like a banana with some raisins and butter, sometimes I like just butter and cinnamon, sometimes I will put a spoonful of peanut butter along with a banana or raisins (or both), and sometimes I like berries (blue black, or rasp) with butter and maybe some Rapadura sugar or honey. I will often use any combination of the ingredients mentioned above in my oatmeal.

I would love to get some fresh peaches and put those in my oatmeal, I’m sure there are other things I haven’t even thought of. Oatmeal tastes good, is good for you, and allows you to get creative. Do yourself a favor and buy some rolled oats or steel-cut oats at your nearest grocery store and make yourself a bowl. It’s something my body needs anyways, I like that.