Why the heck did I say drinking vessels? Cause I can’t think of a good all inclusive word. I would like to discuss glasses, mugs, cups, and steins. Sure you might be able to tell a few things by a person’s drinking vessel, but it is not really a good indicator of that much.

I like to have a wide variety of drinking vessels on hand. The one that I am currently lacking that I really want is the small, narrow juice glass. I always liked drinking out of those when I was a kid and not only does it bring back memories but it also provides a nice shot of something when you would rather not pour your shot in a large glass.

I also just got a stein. It’s freakin huge. It actually makes me laugh whenever I drink out of it. I went from the typical 6 and 8 ounce glasses to beer mugs to steins. The first time I used my stein I felt like I was getting a workout just lifting the thing. Just holding the stein makes you more manly.¬†

I do not reject the little guys though. Oh no. I play no favorites with my drinking vessels. Besides the stein I rarely drink water out of anything with a handle. I prefer a clear glass, 4-6 ounces for sipping and 8-10 for real suckin it down drinking. 

Obviously with hot liquids you go with the mugs. Mugs are versatile though and can be used with fruit and pudding and soup and cereal and things where you need to be mobile. They are versatile.

Cups. Cups are for kids, baking, or bras. Whenever I think of cups I think plastic. Sure they have their place at get-togethers and informal gatherings or if you are unable to keep from breaking all of your glasses. Drinking out of a glass makes you feel better about what you are drinking… whether it should or not.

You know how you can be working on a job and when you have the right tool it makes the job much better all around? Same with drinking vessels. Sure you can lap up the water with your hand but that can get really frustrating… and embarrassing. So grab your favorite glass, mug, stein, or cup… cheers!