So, you are you. There really isn’t anyone like you. The way you do the things you do. You, doing that thing you do. Doing what you do, the way you have always done it… and quite possiblly the way you will always do it.
Do you ever evaluate why you do what you do? Sure you have some things that you do that are great… those things that make you, you. But what about those things that you do that are really not that great? Those things that you could do better…
You are probably thinking, “I don’t want to do those things better, I want to keep doing the things that I do not do so great, because even those things make me who I am and everyone else should just accept it”. To that I say fooey. And I think that is only the third time I have ever said fooey in my life. Ok maybe fourth.
Of course doings things the way we do them and not doing them well is unique to us, but by doing the things we do even better does not make us less unique, it makes us more unique. Plenty of people do what they do and do not do it very well, but few and far between are those who do what they do and do it all extremely well. Savvy?
So as far as doing things the way you will always do them, it is good to check up on what you do and the way you do it and how you will do it in the future. Maybe you will change and then you will do what you do differently but it will be soooo good that you will now do what you do the way you will always do it. And there you have it.