I recently purchased a car and this car has balls! It has enough horsepower to do burnouts, donuts and 0-60 in under 9 seconds! So you can imagine my enthusiasm when I took it out for the first time to test its limits.

I was swerving and drifting and spinning and skidding and having a ball. I wondered to myself if my car could do a donut… So I found an empty intersection on a quiet street and made a bunch of noise!

After successfully doing a donut with my car, I had to show everyone (video coming soon). I wanted to take my boys out for a ride and show them the importance of evasive driving, with a couple of donuts sprinkled in there for good measure. Now, everywhere I go with my oldest son, he asks me, “daddy can we spin a donut here?” I have to say “no” but it pains me to do so…

You know what happened when my dad came into town? Well, donuts of course!! I took him with me under the pretense of “come with me to run some errands”, which really meant, “let me try and make you dizzy with a few donuts”. When we reached the private street I told him what we were going to do and he looked at me and sighed then said “son… I don’t think…, well, go ahead.”

I gladly obliged him with not one, but two donuts, it was glorious. He only yelled stop after the smoke blocked our view of the road so much that we could not see where the edge was. My dad said, “wow” which meant, “son, I have never been prouder than I am right now”. How did I know this? His chest was swollen with pride! When we got home the tires were still smoking, and my dad said “that’s a nice car” which really means “I love you son, and thanks for the ride”.

We see eye to eye… Especially on communication.